”I only ever wear clothes I’ve made myself, so if you meet me in Adelaide in the supermarket I’m dressed like this,” an indescribably exotic-looking Cheryl Bridgart declared, from beneath a unique hat, at yesterday’s session of the Canberra Craft and Quilt Fair. (Canberra Times)

Behind one of the ”windows” in her tunic a single eye stared out wildly at the world. What an impression the freestyle sewing machine artist must make, encountered near the frozen peas in Woolies. (Canberra Times)

What it, the eye in Bridgart’s costume, saw yesterday was a vast, milling throng of folk, overwhelmingly women of a certain age (averaging 38, show manager Gary Fitz-Roy advised yesterday) with blokes so rare that they seemed almost as exotic as Bridgart’s clothes. (Canberra Times)

The sheer scale of the fair was a revelation yesterday. Fitz-Roy expects it to attract 16,000 souls over its four days. Its dozens of stalls of artists and craft-materials suppliers of fill the capacious Budawang space while nearby another roomy pavilion is devoted to finished works and especially to quilts. (Canberra Times)

Cheryl was the Guest Artist at the Craft and Quit Fair She went to every state of Australia and twice to New Zealand and at each venue she would create a new artwork on her sewing machine in front of the milling crowd.
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