
‘Fly Me To The Moon’ Cheryl celebrating 2024

Cheryl has celebrated each year during South Australian Living Artist Festival with a solo exhibition in her studio converted horse stables called Beltana House

This year she had a lot to celebrate


Finalist in SALA one of 33 out of 10,958 artists

  • This year SALA has 10,958 artists participating and Cheryl has been chosen as one of 33 finalists. This is the second consecutive year Cheryl has been chosen as a finalist.

Cheryl is the only embroidery artist in the world to be chosen to be included in the NASA museum on the moon

  • Cheryl has been chosen as the only embroidery artist in the world to be chosen by Dr Samuel Peralta to be included in the NASA Lunar Codex ‘Art Museum on the Moon’.   A 25 minute video of Cheryl working and her artworks ‘Fly Free’, ‘Bright Days Ahead’  and ‘Gentle Whispering’  ( all are on view during this exhibition) have been digitalised and included in the payload to go to the dark side of the moon.


Cheryl was awarded The best use of embroidery in the 2024 Australian Textile Art Award

  • Cheryl this year is one of 25 finalists in the 2024 Australian Textile Art Award, this follows on her being a finalist in the 2021 “Twisted K-not” 2023 Australian Fibre Art Award “The Nest” and in the 2022 Australian Textile Art Awards “Magic Threads”.

  • Cheryls work ‘Hopes and Dreams’  (which is on view ) was awarded the best use of embroidery in the 2024 Australian Textile Art Award ‘Hopes and Dreams’  was chosen for the cover of the memorial book of this exhibition. Cheryl has been a finalist in all 4 of these national exhibitions.


Waterloo Station UK

  • Cheryl’s work “Hot in the City” (which is on view in the long gallery) was exhibited in Waterloo Station UK.

Artworks Gallery

  • “Where The Heart Is”(18) (which is on view here) was chosen as the peoples choice at ‘Atelier Australis Exhibition’ at ArtworX Gallery Goolwa.



Publicity media coverage
  • This year Cheryl has had a 24 minute video for ‘Art In Adelaide’ been interviewed on ABC TV and radio, 5aa radio and featured on Channel 7 News.
‘Radical Textiles’ The Art Gallery of SA’s
  • Cheryl embroidery art has been selected to be exhibited in ‘Radical Textiles’ The Art Gallery of SA’s next major exhibition in November 2024 to March 2025.


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