Cheryl’s studio/Gallery is always open by appointment ph 0417813779
Each year since 2010 Cheryl has opened her studio gallery Beltana House for the month of August to celebrate South Australian Living Artists and each year over 1000 art lovers come to see and talk to Cheryl about her Embroidered Portraits, Landscapes, Animal Studies and her museum quality Art To Wear.Showcasing
Cheryl’s unique visual language laced with dreams, feelings and passion in highly skilled fine art embroidery and paintings, Come see this new body of vivid eye-catching works. in historic horse stables. Over 1500 people have come to Cheryl’s previous SALA Solo Exhibitions. See her art, chat with her and watch Cheryl create on her sewing machine.
Again this year you are invited to this much-anticipated event.
In constant pursuit of uniqueness Cheryl will showcase thought provoking fine art embroideries and paintings. Her internationally recognised unique visual language and highly skilled embroidery is laced with dreams, feelings and passion.
You would have to be AUDACIOUS to be recognised worldwide for producing surrealist (and realist) fine art on a sewing machine!
Come visit and see Cheryl in her unique Gallery.
Cheryl will be present at all openings.
Beltana House Studio / Gallery
364 Carrington St Adelaide SA
11th August to 31st August
Wed. Thurs. Frid. Sat. Sun 11am till 5pm (CLOSED Mon. & TUES).
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