
Ramsay Fellowship AGSA Troy-Anthony Baylis Cheryl Bridgart

The opening of the inaugural Guildhouse Fellowship was on Friday the 7th of August at The Art gallery Of South Australia. Emma Fey, CEO of Guildhouse and Rhana Devenport Director, AGSA welcomed guests and gave insights into the Fellowship and Troy-Anthony and his work. Cheryl did all the embroidery on these artworks. Troy-Anthony Baylis explained his new body of work […]
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“Nomenclatures” Troy-Anthony Baylis & Cheryl Bridgart

The inaugural Fellowship was awarded to Troy-Anthony Baylis and he created an exhibition called Nomenclature addressing the naming and renaming of place names in English, German and Indigenous languages. Cheryl was honored to be asked to do all the machine embroidery of the Indigenous names on the eight weavings that had been completed Troy. These artworks are on view in […]
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Finalist The Adelaide Parklands Art Prize

Every 2 years the Parklands Preservation Society hosts the Parklands Art Prize Cheryl’s Embroidered “Natural Harmony” is a finalist Due to the cover crisis the exhibition has been postponed to Dec4 to Jan 30 at The Adelaide Festival Centre Gallery but you can see Natural Harmony at Cheryl’s SALA Solo ‘Exostish’
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SALA SOLO. ‘Exotish’

Due to the unprecedended Covid-19 chrisis Cheryl is not having an opening party this year but is still having a Solo exhibition ‘EXOTISH’ at 2 venues ‘Beltana Studio Gallery’ 364 Carrington St Adelaide August 2-9 Wednesday to Sunday 1pm till 5pm ‘Round House’ 47 Barrage Rd Goolwa August 21-30 Friday to Sunday 1pm till 5 pm Cheryl will be present […]
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The Society for Embroidered Work London “S. E. W.”

The Society for Embroidered Work has one aim, Promoting and supporting the best in stitched art worldwide Founded by UK based textile artists Cat Frampton and Emily Tull in 2018 after a conversation about the inclusion of (or lack of) stitched/embroidered artworks in the art world. Only once a year S.E.W. accept new members from anywhere in the world applicants are […]
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2020 RSASA Fringe “On the edge of the day”

The Adelaide Fringe Exhibition at the Royal South Australian Society of Arts was titled “On the edge of the day”  Cheryls artwork “Dreaming of Spring” was chosen to be the artwork to promote the exhibition.                                                      […]
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International TV recording ‘Colour in Your Life’

Vision: To build a library of the minds of artists; to preserve a digital record of creative spirit, culture and techniques for future generations. On the 11th of Feb. 2020 this international film crew came to Cheryl’s studio Gallery to film Cheryl creating her art work. Put Some Colour in Your Life is a 24-minute story based art documentary featuring […]
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